I almost don't want to listen to the State of the Union Address ......
already know there is going to be a military down sizing, so i hope we
get some details on how we will help integrate those service members who
have served honorably into our economy with jobs and health benefits.
Yes it looks like the economy is getting better what specifically will
we do to ensure continued success. Don't even think about talking gun
control it you plan to restrict my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Oh
BTW there is no grandfather clause on assault type rifles. if one
citizen can own them before then another should be able to get something
comparable now. if you want reform tell me how you will structure
baseline standards across all states so i don't have to have jump
through hops every time i drive down the east coast esp. in DC. How will
we u insure the mentally unstable don't have access? With all the
things going on in the world what is our position as a nation on hostile
nations states, and groups. What if any repercussions should be levied
against a congress that can't balance the budget. Why are our service
members committing suicide at alarming rates.
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